@Murph_CJ 7 years ago
RT @generalelectric: .@GE_oilandgas is using an augmented-reality powered Smart Helmet to optimize onsite productivity.… https://t.co/BXpTU2Kzx3
@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @tvkatesnow: JUST IN @GovHowardDean stands by cocaine tweet & says Trump needs to answer charge, no apology @MSNBChttps://t.co/V7HfQtfXTy
@gigabarb 7 years ago
RT @matteastwood: Interesting @PGelsinger factoid, @generalelectric is only original member of DJIA that is still on the index 12 decades later. #VMworld
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @PastVox: 2004: The "Dean Scream". It's powerful, it's exciting, it's contagious, and it could take Howard Dean all the way to the White House
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @DanaHoule: Jill Stein & Roger Stone both cheering on Julian Assange. Perfect.
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @Benioff: Thank you @JeffImmelt @generalelectric @GEHealthcare for the amazing work on the new imaging center @UCSFChildrens. https://t.co/QfdgOyUPGO